Markham Waxers U18 AA Hockey Team
Official Host Team of the 2022 U18 AA OHF Championships
Click Here For Schedule, Stats, Merch & Tickets
Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities!
Want More Info?
Tournament Arena Sponsor
❖2 Full pages of advertising within the program – Including Outside Back Cover
❖Opportunity for Opening Ceremonies Welcome and address by Sponsor representative
❖Special thanks with brief company bio and special mention during banquet
❖Prominent display of company logo on all tournament arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
Tournament Banquet Sponsor
Tournament Banquet
❖Prominent signage throughout the event
❖Maximum exposure to tournament attendees and community
❖Full page of advertising in program
❖Sponsor tent card on each table
❖Prominent display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
T/O Refreshments Sponsor
❖Signage within each changeroom stating “All team snacks and drinks supplied to you by … “
❖Announcement of recognition at player lunch
❖1/2 Page advertisement within program
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
❖Prominent display of logo on arena banners
Spectator Lounge Sponsorship
The ‘Spectator Lounge’ is a large room overlooking the rink, serving as the hub of the tournament. Maximum exposure opportunity
❖Prominent signage throughout the Spectator Lounge
❖Opportunity for Special thanks with brief company bio and special mention during the Tournament
❖1 Reserved table within the lounge during the tournament
❖Full page of advertising in program
❖Sponsor tent card on each table
❖Prominent display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
Tournament "Champions" Hat
Custom Designed Champions Hat Sponsorship
❖Your logo included directly on the side or back of the hat
❖Hat will be displayed on the awards table along with signage thanking the sponsor, viewable throughout the entire tournament
❖Your company will be announced during the on-ice championship winner presentation ceremony as well as published in the post tournament reports and news coverage
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
Player of the Game Award Sponsor
❖Each player of the game award is presented by Sponsor Representative (if able to attend) and ‘brought to you by sponsor name’ via Game PA announcement
❖1/2 page ad in official Tournament program
❖Prominent display of logo on arena banners
❖Logo included on Game Award
❖Recognition on Tournament website, app and social media accounts
Official Game Puck Sponsor
❖200 game pucks with sponsor logo on one side and OHF OGP logo on the reverse side
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Opportunity for First Puck drop to be done by Sponsor Representative
❖Recognition on event website
❖Commemorative Puck for sponsor
❖Media display of logo on arena banners
Changeroom Sponsor
$1000 for 1 room or $2,500 for all 5 rooms
❖Company decal logo on changeroom door(s)
❖”Sponsored by … with company logo signs inside changeroom(s)
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banners
❖Logo on pages within program
Participant Cap Sponsor
❖Company logo on official tournament cap provided to each participant
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website and social media
Participant T-Shirt Sponsor
❖Company logo on official tournament T-shirts provided to each participant
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website and social media
Participant Water Bottle Sponsor
❖Company logo on official tournament water bottle provided to each participant
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banners
❖Recognition on Tournament website and social media
Volunteer Team Sponsor
❖Company logo on volunteer apparel/lanyard
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Signage at volunteer check-in station
❖Recognition on Tournament website and social media
Hat Trick Sponsor
❖¼ page ad in official Tournament program
❖Logo on arena banner
❖Recognition on Tournament website and social media accounts
Slap Shot Sponsor
❖1/8 page ad in official Tournament program
❖Display of logo on arena banner
Wrist Shot Sponsor
❖Name displayed on sponsor page of program